Shameless Acquisition Target
After years of seeing friends (and some enemies) get rich, rich, rich selling their shows and companies to other bigger shows and bigger companies, longtime podcast executive Laura Mayer has decided to get hers. To do this, she'll speak to straight-up geniuses in the worlds of podcasting, entertainment, and business to understand what value is in media and how to make it. At the end, Laura will sell the show itself to the highest bidder. Will she make hundreds, millions, or even dozens of dollars? Will she be able to afford the gray house down the street from her rental apartment? Let’s find out together… shamelessly.
CategoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipComedySociety & CulturePersonal Journals
Show formatHost perspective
Episode Count8 since
The Data
Production styleIn-house production - with existing content team
LanguageAmerican English
Brands In Audio
Collaboration betweenSounds Profitable andLowerstreet