SDG Insider: Bridging corporate reporting and the sustainability agenda

From: The Global Reporting Initiative Produced by: 2Stories Hosted on:
This year, GRI is launching the second podcast series, building on our expertise in sustainability topics and SDG reporting, including the reporting tools mapping SDG targets to GRI disclosures as the basis. The new series will consist of 6 episodes with speakers, featuring business, civil society, international organizations, financial institutions and other organizations. The topics will cover human rights due diligence, agriculture and food, climate change, labour, and tax. The podcast is also aimed at creating awareness of the importance of impact reporting in relation to the SDGs. Double materiality and corporate reporting landscape will be highlighted as the context critical to understanding societal expectations and stakeholder requirements with regard to sustainability disclosure
Show formatNarrative
Episode Count24 since
SDG Insider: Bridging corporate reporting and the sustainability agenda

The Data

Production stylePodcast agency - full service research, scripting, guests, production, editing
Promotion tacticsTranscripts available for individual episodes, Posting about episodes on company social media accounts