The best way to get a write up for your branded company podcast from me? Submit it to the Brands in Audio directory! That’s what production company CitizenRacecar did for their show with RMW Commerce:
The Watson Weekend
It’s a really unique concept - the company does a regular livestream to interact with customers and fans, and the podcast is a lightly edited version of it. Hosts Rick Watson and Jess Lesecky bring a self-described “rollicking… dance party” energy that makes sense for the interactive nature of the livestream. They cover retail, tech, and ecommerce, with a mix of commentary on the news and interacting with the stream audience. It’ll be interesting to see if how much other brands are also starting to take this livestream + podcast approach that is already more prominent in general interest shows especially in the gaming space.
Brands In Audio
Collaboration betweenSounds Profitable andLowerstreet