It’s a sort of new, sort of repeat branded company podcast review from me today, which will make sense in a moment. The brand is Intercom, and the show is:
The Ticket
But The Ticket isn’t a completely new show, it’s a pivot from their previous name and format, “Inside Intercom”. I was initially surprised to see the different name and show art in my feed, as I’m a big fan of how the original show (which I previously reviewed) shares a really transparent view on how Intercom builds their product and their approach to the customer service industry.
Once you hear the explanation of the change though, it totally makes sense. With Inside Intercom, they had a focus on looking directly at the Intercom company, product, and team. That worked well for the impressive 400-plus episodes they released, and is also a nice evolution into The Ticket. With the refined show, they are putting more focus on the overall evolution of the customer support software industry, which is fitting for how Intercom’s leadership in the space has grown over time.
Along with the new coverage the show will have, it’s good to hear that they’ll still have regular episodes that cover developments of the Intercom product and continue the “Inside Intercom” namesake. The show also continues to have great interviews from co-founder Des Traynor, production from Liam Geraghty, and excellent episode notes and web pages with takeaway points, transcripts, and graphics - all the more impressive as they navigated the name and logo change on the existing feed.
Brands In Audio
Collaboration betweenSounds Profitable andLowerstreet