My database of branded company podcasts, Brands In Audio, has an extensive selection of shows from most of the production agencies making large numbers of shows with brands. So it always excites me to find a show, that leads me to another production company, which turns out to be a significant player in branded podcasts. The production company of note here is Caspian Studios, and the show that exposed me to their work is from Tenable:
The Hacker Chronicles
Tenable is in the cybersecurity space, and it’s a clever approach to eschew the typical industry interview format and make a scripted thriller instead. The show has a hacker as the protagonist, and the show art signals that Dexter star Michael C. Hall has a voice acting role. But I like that Tenable and Caspian are patient about the roll out - I listened to a couple episodes that do a great job setting up the world of the main character and building empathy for her. They take a really light touch on the brand message and the guest star introduction.
It’s a fun show for anyone who enjoys fiction podcasts. And with what looks to be over 80 shows in Caspian’s roster, I expect them to be a repeat presence in my reviews.
Brands In Audio
Collaboration betweenSounds Profitable andLowerstreet