Think forming a branded company podcast network is just for tech companies like LinkedIn and Hubspot? The SANDOW Design Group begs to differ - they’ve created SURROUND podcasts, with 13 shows all about architecture and design. I first came across the network through this show:
Once Upon a Project
The shows in the network are generally “presented by” another brand. In this case, ShawContract, which makes flooring and carpet. And the episode I listened to “The Hip Hop Architect” hit on this B2B intersection with great storytelling. It’s the story of Michael Ford who grew his career to take on that moniker, with natural ties into architecture and design, as well as his “award winning carpet collection” with Shaw Contract.
I always like finding shows that have compelling narrative stories, and all the better to see it from a company growing the branded podcast space with their own sizable network of shows!
Brands In Audio
Collaboration betweenSounds Profitable andLowerstreet