I was at Podcast Movement last week, so I’m using my daily branded podcast reviews to cover shows that I heard about or met the producers of at the conference. One of the coolest random connections was meeting two brand podcasters who work at NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Katie Konans and Jaden Jennings. Based on talking to them, I checked out one of the flagship shows at NASA:
NASA’s Curious Universe
The show features profiles of some of the amazing people working up in space and on the ground at NASA. They do a great job providing plenty of details about what their day to day work is at the space agency, as well as digging into the path to NASA and inspirations of the guests.
The other interesting thing we ended up talking about at the event is that NASA has a surprisingly large number of official podcasts - 17 of them currently listed. It’s an interesting opportunity and challenge when so many people and teams around the company want to share updates and stories with the public, but the organization also wants to have some cohesion and similar quality level across all of them.
Brands In Audio
Collaboration betweenSounds Profitable andLowerstreet