For branded company podcasts from professional services firms, I tend to see a couple typical formats. One is bringing on company experts to present thought leadership research and expertise. Another is providing their thoughts on current state (usually financial market) trends. I found this podcast from HR consulting firm Mercer that has a slightly different feel:
AI-volution: Redefining HR
First, like so many of the new business podcasts now, it has a major AI angle to it. But more importantly, I like what Mercer is doing in treating the podcast as a channel for speaking directly to prospective and current clients. Some episodes are interviews among members of the Mercer team, but the episode I listened to was a solo host perspective format with mike Brennan talking about how the firm approaches AI strategy development for clients. It’s nice to have that variety, and a good example that other professional services shows can follow.
Brands In Audio
Collaboration betweenSounds Profitable andLowerstreet